asyik kena berhenti aje...xpe,pengalaman tu

lately,I'm quite busy with school and tuition. pg ngajar kt sekolah,ptg n mlm ngajar kt tuition. tp baru kje 4hari kt sekolah,dh kna berhenti. ermm..pengetua ckp jodoh xpnjang. hehehe.. the problem is dari tarikh mula berkhidmat smpai 15hb Ogos ni,aku cuma ade 26hari je sedangkan syarat supaya jabatan pendidikan blh byr ialah sekurang2nya 28hari. so nk wat cmne,klu teruskan jugak sekolah xmampu nak bayar gaji aku. PIBG dh la xde duit sejak kerajaan buat peraturan baru. nk xnk today is the last day. sbnrnye mmg nk la,xkesah pun. bkn sombong,bkn memilih tp jiwa aku bkn ke arah bidang ni. lain dgn ngajar kt tuition sbb aku anggap tu hobi je.

1 comment(s):

nOtCinDeReLLa said...

I don't know what I really think about.. I'm happy when I was selected to teach in school and in the same time I got another thing to do; be a tutor in tuition center. I don't waste my time do nothing at home. However at the same time also, I'm not really like this situation because I got no time with my beloved. But nowwhen I no longer be a teacher in school and I have much time for myself, I'm not really feel good about it. I'm confuse with what I think and what I feel. And also I confuse with what I want.

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